
A LoanerTrak database can host a number of companies, each with their own specific inventory, users and orders.  This document details what is required when setting up a new company by both Burns Technologies and the Customer.

Steps by Burns Technologies

The following tables are updated with the new company ID:

badgecount - Create new record for each new company
c_apiparams - FedEX data is required for API connectivity for this location. Create new parameter record for each new company.
company - Create new record for each new company.  Connect it to the site ID created by BTI for licensing.
customcode - Duplicate custom code entries for each new company.
emailsettings - Create new record for each new company
globset - Create new record for each new company.  Add license key for total concurrent users at this company.

Steps by Customer

1. Open Data > Customers and set up the new companies as supplier companies for their respective set supercategories.

2. Open Admin > Holidays and set up the new company's holidays.